Stairlifts Grants in Malta

Few people know that you can get grants to help you with (and often cover) the cost of a stairlift. We understand that applying for a grant can be stressful, which is why we’ve laid out some information about each grant to help you work out your options.

One thing you should bear in mind is that most grants need to be approved before you start work.

If you want more information about the grants that may be available to you, you should contact your local authority, but we’ve laid out some basic information below. It might be exactly what you’re looking for.

For information on stairlift costs and grants, contact us today.

Stairlifts Grants and VAT options in Malta

A person shall qualify to apply for assistance under this scheme when on the date of application or according to clause 3 (iii) above the applicant is the owner, the recognised tenant, the temporary/perpetual emphyteuta, possesses no legal title even though he has permission from the owner to occupy premises on which he is applying for assistance available under this scheme and must be;

(i) the applicant is a Maltese citizen or an EU citizen. In the case of married couples only but not separated, one of the couple must be a Maltese or EU citizen; and

(ii) applicants are residents in Malta and have been so resident continuously for not less than twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the date of application;

(iii) (a) in the case of married couples who are not legally or bona fide de facto separated, the application for assistance under this scheme must be made by both spouses jointly;

(b) in the cases where, in the absolute discretion of the Housing Authority, the spouses are considered to be bona fide de facto separated the application made be filed by one of the spouses permanently who is actually residing in the premises concerned. In such a case, the spouse residing in the premises will qualify even in the cases where the rent receipts are issued in the name of the other spouse and in this case the applicant must be a Maltese or European citizen and an ordinary resident of Malta.

(iv) the use of the premises for residential purposes is lawful. (v) the applicant is the legal representative, parent, children or brothers/sisters of the person with a disability or he is himself suffering from a disability indicated in this scheme.

Method of Application

(i) A person qualified to make an application for Assistance under this Scheme shall submit an application in the prescribed form and shall deliver the same application personally to the Authority during the office hours. In case the applicant cannot come personally for reasons related to the disability, a relative could bring the application instead.

(ii) The prescribed forms can be collected from the offices of the Housing Authority 22, Pietro Floriani Street Floriana, Malta and from the Housing Authority branch 25 Enrico Mizzi Street, Victoria, Gozo or from the Housing Authority website.

Note: The applicant shall pay the sum of twenty Euro (€20) as an administrative charge which is not refundable even if the application is not accepted.

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